get it right
What have I done? I wish I could run
Away from this ship goin' under
Just tryin' to help, hurt everyone else
Now I feel the weight of the world is
On my shoulders
What can you do when your good isn't good enough?
When all that you touch tumbles down?
'Cause my best intentions keep making a mess of things
I just wanna fix it somehow
But how many times will it take?
Oh, how many times will it take for me?
To get it right
To get it ri-igh-ight
Can I start again with my faith shaken?
'Cause I can't go back and undo this
I just have to stay and face my mistakes
But if I get stronger and wiser
I'll get through this
What can you do when your good isn't good enough?
When all that you touch tumbles down?
'Cause my best intentions keep making a mess of things
I just wanna fix it somehow
But how many times will it take?
Oh, how many times will it take for me?
To get it right
So I throw up my fist
Throw a punch in the air
And accept the truth that sometimes life isn't fair
Yeah, I'll send down a wish
Yeah, I'll send up a prayer
And finally, someone will see
How much I care!
What can you do when your good isn't good enough?
When all that you touch tumbles down?
'Cause my best intentions keep making a mess of things
I just wanna fix it somehow
But how many it times will it take?
Oh, how many times will it take?
To get it right
To get it ri-igh-ight
Away from this ship goin' under
Just tryin' to help, hurt everyone else
Now I feel the weight of the world is
On my shoulders
What can you do when your good isn't good enough?
When all that you touch tumbles down?
'Cause my best intentions keep making a mess of things
I just wanna fix it somehow
But how many times will it take?
Oh, how many times will it take for me?
To get it right
To get it ri-igh-ight
Can I start again with my faith shaken?
'Cause I can't go back and undo this
I just have to stay and face my mistakes
But if I get stronger and wiser
I'll get through this
What can you do when your good isn't good enough?
When all that you touch tumbles down?
'Cause my best intentions keep making a mess of things
I just wanna fix it somehow
But how many times will it take?
Oh, how many times will it take for me?
To get it right
So I throw up my fist
Throw a punch in the air
And accept the truth that sometimes life isn't fair
Yeah, I'll send down a wish
Yeah, I'll send up a prayer
And finally, someone will see
How much I care!
What can you do when your good isn't good enough?
When all that you touch tumbles down?
'Cause my best intentions keep making a mess of things
I just wanna fix it somehow
But how many it times will it take?
Oh, how many times will it take?
To get it right
To get it ri-igh-ight
ماه از كدوم سمت طلوع مي كنه ؟
* ماه از كدوم سمت طلوع مي كنه؟
- مممم... بايد شرق باشه.
* تو نيم كره ي جنوبي چطور؟
تا حالا فكر كردين ماه از كدوم سمت طلوع مي كنه ؟ جواب در هر 2 نيم كره شرقه!
بيايم ثابت كنيم .
1) با روش مشاهده:
مي تونيم سفر كنيم و ببينيم.
2) با استفاده از برهان خلف :
اگه اين طور فرض كنيم كه جهت طلوع ماه در 2 نيم كره متفاوت باشه چه اتفاقي مي افته... اينجوري بايد 2 تا نيم كره خلاف جهت هم بچرخن. اون موقع چند حالت مي تونه پيش بياد .
1. اگه نيم كره ها با پيچ وصل باشن . بنا به جهت چرخش و باقي مسائل يا از هم باز ميشن يا محكم تر مي چسبند به هم . البته در حالت دوم بعد از مدتي حتي با تاخير هم ماه طلوع نمي كنه.
2. اگه نيم كره ها با نوعي چسب وصل باشن. در اثر سايش زمين به مرور زمان پودر مي شه و از حالت كروي خارج ميشه تا كاملا نابود بشه.
3. اگه زمين انعطاف كافي داشته باشه شايد آبش گرفته بشه.
پس مي شه به اين نتيجه رسيد كه در دو نيم كره از يك جهت طلوع مي كنه.
اما راجع به شرق و غربش فقط الان راه شهود به ذهنم ميرسه....
راستي اگه از غرب طلوع كنه چي مي شه ؟ موقع طلوع ماه و غروب خورشيد و برعكس مي تونه تصادف بشه يا يه چيزي تو اين مايه ها.
پ.ن. اين برهان به مرور كامل تر ميشه ...
127 hours
Aron: Good morning, everyone. It is seven o'clock here in Canyon Country USA.
This morning, on the boulder, we have a very special guest:
Self-proclaimed American superhero...Aron Ralston.Let's hear it for Aron.
Aron: It is a real pleasure to be here.
Thank you. Thanks.
Can I say hi to my mom and dad?
Aron: Mom and Dad.
Mustn't forget Mom and Dad. Right, Aron?
Aron: Yeah, that's right.
Hi mom, I'm really sorry I didn't answer the phone the other night.If I had, I would have told you where I was going and then ...I probably wouldn't be here.
Aron: That's for sure.But like I always say ...Your supreme selfishness is our gain.
Aron: Thank you
Aron: Aron.Anyone else you'd like to say hi to?
Aron: Brian, at work
Brian: hi Aron.
Aron: Hey I probably won't be making it in to work today.
Aron: Get a load of this guy.
We got a question coming in from another aron ...in Loser Canyon, Utah.
Aron asks:
Am I right in thinking ...that even if Brian from work notifies the police...
they'll put a 24-hour hold on it before they file a missing persons report? Which means you won't become officially missing ...
until midday Wednesday at the earliest.
Aron: You're right on the money there, Aron.
Which means, I'll probably be dead by then.
Aron: Aron from Loser Canyon, Utah.How do you know so much?
I will tell you.
I volunteer for the rescue service.I'm something of a, big f**king hard hero.I can do everything on my own.
Aron: I do see.Is it true that despite...
or maybe because you're a f**king hard hero ...You didn't tell anyone where you were going?
Aron: Yeah, that's absolutely correct.
Aron: Anyone?
Aron: Anyone.
Aron: Ops
Aron: yeh…Ooops
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